During World War II, it was nearly impossible to find a well driller who didn't have a waiting list. Delbert "Casey" Jones needed a well drilled --------- so he purchased an old home-made drill with a one-cylinder Wisconsin engine for power. After drilling h1s well, the neighbors wanted wells. After assessing the inadequacy of his equipment and seeing an opening for the birth of a new business, he purchased a new Bucyrus-Erie cable tool drilling machine.
Within a few years, the company owned five cable tool rigs. After the introduction of the rotary drill machine, in the '60s and '70s, and the continual advancement of down the hole tools & bits, we now can construct a well usually within a day or two. Jones Dolling Co., Inc. continually purchases and updates our equipment, which allows us to drill the most professionally constructed wells, even through the hardest rock.